Monday, December 30, 2013


I’ve been away from blogging! Sorry!! A quick update on my actual life before reflecting and resolving: I was in Windhoek for three weeks working with our field director to plan the upcoming orientation for the incoming volunteers.  It was amazing, and I feel like I was doing something I’m good at, which has left me so incredibly excited for the orientation which starts tomorrow!

Being home was incredible.  I was welcomed in the Rochester airport by my wonderful family, including my brother and his fiancé who came to visit from Chicago. My parents threw a huge house warming party for their new home. We fit right in there! I substitute taught a few days, and got all my doctor appointments out of the way.

Substitute teaching reminded me of some things.  I forgot how incredible patience is for kids.  I was subbing for an elementary music teacher, so I had a rotation of all of the grades K-5.  First off, K-2nd grade: A-dor-able.  3rd and 4th grade were excited and enthusiastic and we sang holiday songs.  But 5th grade.  They were off the walls bonkers crazy. So many classified kids/kids with IEPs and just general sub-at-a-holiday-hyperness.  I couldn’t even get TO attendance. I was NOT about to just put a movie in for these kids.  So instead, I turned off the lights and we did some breathing.  Then I had them play that team building game where as a group, people count to a given number (10, in this case), without repeating or simultaneous counting. If two people say the same number at the same time, the whole group has to start over again.  It was working! Quite well, if I do say so myself.  And in that game, a remarkable thing happened.  One of the kids was clearly on the autism spectrum, and he REALLY didn’t want the class playing this game.  So first, I pulled him aside (because the class was pretty much running itself by this point), and asked what I could do to make the game more manageable for him.  But he lost it, and ran into the middle of the circle to stop the rest of the class.  The rest of the class was wonderful.  The kids acknowledged that he was having a problem, but didn’t let it really interfere.  There was a lot of, “It’s ok. Just sit out for a bit, but the teacher asked us to do this, and that’s what we need to do” and “Everything is safe and fine. Just take a minute for yourself” and the like.  It was one of those shining moments for inclusion where everyone is helping everyone else learn something about people.  I liked that.

I also got a few good swims in at the WAC while I was home!

Christmas was great. Lots of laughing and family time, and the Legends still got together for a gift exchange which has been happening for a long, long time.  While we were missing a few, everyone managed to at least Skype in for a bit and contribute.  Pretty cool that we can still manage to organize a get together of 15 friends from high school.  And I got to see HANNAH!!!  And Sara and Ben got engaged and I saw them.  (ok this is spiraling)  All in all, the trip home was super necessary and an absolute joy.

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