Saturday, May 11, 2013

6/5/2013 Harare International Art Festival: A letter to my mom

Dear Mom,
                There are so many things you would love about HIFA!! The art here is gorgeous—paintings, carvings, jewelry, cloth, music, performance.  We saw Baba Mal from Senegal. He had sort of a Rasta take on traditional music.  The next night, we saw Mokoomba and Friends, who reminded me of Red Hot Chili Peppers but African.  One of the “friends” played a didgeridoo.  You would have loved all the dancing (it reminded me of music we would dance to while cooking or baking in the kitchen), but probably would have wanted to go home before the DJs. We danced until 2:30 in the morning, and got home at 3:30!
                Speaking of “home,” we stayed with Erika’s friend from college, Ana, who lives in Harare.  Her family’s house was beautiful! Pool, huge yard, tennis court! And they were unbelievably generous and hospitable.  Ana’s mother is from Croatia, and her hostess style reminded me a lot of Mrs. Zoneville. Very intense and loving.  She hosted an Orthodox Easter breakfast from her friends, and we got leftovers for dinner! Yum—ham, muffins, breads, cheeses.
                Speaking of yum, the festival had so much food! Indian, African, fried everything, COFFEE (!!) and Middle Eastern. It was hard to decide if we wanted to spend money on food or art… ended up splitting it about $7/$13. But you’ll have to wait until I see you to see what I bought!
                The people were wonderful! Everyone is so nice and friendly. I did not meet a single disagreeable person in Zimbabwe, and all of the festival goers and staff were super relaxed. There was a woman who read tarot, but it was $10, and I knew it wouldn’t be as good as one of your readings.  Maybe we could do a Skype reading?
                Anyways, you would have loved Harare! I love and miss you loads!
                                Rae Lynn
An elephant made from recycled cans


One of the walls around...

A dress made from milk containers. I want it!!!

They had a beautiful photography display

This Is NEW Africa

Ana's house. Stunning!

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