Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dream Jobs

On paper, this should be my dream job.  In reality, however, I dread going to school most mornings, I'm mentally exhausted, in a negative way, all the time, and I get pissier and pissier as the weeks go by.

It should be my dream job.  I have started teaching content I am passionate about, I deliver first aid to learners, I am on the front line of counseling staff, and I've been asked to lead staff development workshops across many areas.  Technically, these are all of the things I dream about doing.  And the kids are amazing.  They are smart, dedicated and developing.

I toyed with the idea of extending for a whole extra year.  But professionally, that's a poor choice.  Communication breaks down every other second. There is not a lot of freedom in any of my teaching, since I'm co-teaching both ICT and Life Skills, and I report to the other teacher.  There is a definitive lack of personal space both in my flat and at school. I don't have my own desk.  I sometimes get my own chair, but until last week, I perched on a corner on top of a stack of books in the staff room.  Men are demeaning. Not about big stuff, but they definitely expect women to wait on them.  I am constantly pulled away from teaching and other things I love doing by bureaucratic nonsense at the last minute.

I want this job in a place where the community is so strong and supportive that the staff finish each others' sentences, even when they disagree with each other.

1 comment:

  1. Life is so daily! It is good to have a dream. A dream motivates us to ask "why not" and move towardit. You are doing just that -- leading those toward your dream, by teaching the learners AND the teachers. You create your dream by setting the bar for everyone. Rachel, this is one of your dream jobs -- the reality of dream jobs is that they are so very hard. Do not regret your choice -- exam weeks are very difficult, especially when you see them as taking away from teaching time.

    I wish I could find you some space -- physically, it is so important to be able to have that restorative place. I love you so very much.
