Thursday, July 18, 2013


One of the great parts about this grand opening inauguration is that EVERYTHING is at the school now--chairs, tables, lab supplies, computers, paper: everything! So that means that we get to move into our own classrooms. 

This has been one of the parts of being a teacher which I have been looking forward to the most.  I have my own classroom now! I share it with the school counsellor, who also teaches Life Skills with me.  I've been laying out chalk boards, white boards, posters and desks.  It's almost completed! I've recruited learners from one class to help me to make posters for my room, so the boards will be completely filled with various Life-Skills-Related-Tidbits tomorrow or so.  It feels like I have a place to belong now.  I couldn't be more happy about this.  8 groups of 4 learners, desks for art supplies, and a table by the door to pick up books on their way in (thank you Mr. Baier for that idea), posters about time management, summarizing skills, communication, stress, smiling, and relationships, homework/notice board with the objectives for the week, messages on the mirror about smiling (thank you KD for that idea).  I think I've said "my classroom" about 50 times more than is necessary in the last 2 days.

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