Sunday, August 4, 2013

Inauguration, A Brief Summary

I know I didn’t update you all right away about the amazing event we had here on the 22nd.  The school was officially opened by the President of Namibia. A speech was given, a plaque was revealed, a dance was done (video below!).  Our learners were such troopers! With a long morning which was supposed to be filled with our school’s cultural groups and presentations but was instead filled with miscommunication, they kept smiles on their faces and welcomed the President, Minister of Education and other major dignitaries with full hearts.   

First: Links to the videos of the dance!
Rehearsal for the dance. Electric Slide=Dance De Familia!
Rehearsing the transition from a Damara song into an Oshivambo song
Performing for the President! (It was really windy, so sorry about the sound)

Second: Pictures!
Our dining hall, full of learners, teachers and community members

The President of Namibia, inaugurating the school. Behind him are many Ministers and dignitaries.

Our learners, lined up to welcome His Excellency, the Honourable Pohamba
After the president's speech and lunch, our learners took the stage to present cultural dances to remaining guests and visitors. We had lots of laughs, and one Kwaito group from a neighboring school even took the stage and showed us their moves!

Learners dancing Kavango dances

Damara Nama Stap dances

Vambo Dancers

Still looking sharp after dancing
I think my favourite part of the day was cleaning up and re-setting up the school the way it normally is.  We had to move all of the tables and benches out of the dining hall, and shift a lot of tables and chairs around in the classrooms for the event.  That afternoon, we shifted everything back.  The kids were amazing with this.  A group of four grade 11 boys kept asking, “Miss, what next?” all afternoon.  Never a “Miss, we’re tired” or a “Miss, we’ve done enough.” Always “What’s next?” 

I helped motivate some of the less enthusiastic young men and women by partnering up with the smallest grade 8 girls to carry benches back to the dining hall, purposefully walking past all of the grade 11 learners, and talking loudly about how strong this little girl was, and how it was too bad that no one else at the school was so strong.  Blows to ego can get people going fast!

I was incredibly motivated to get the school running back to normal, and I was so excited by the prospect that positive energy just exuded from me, which helped a lot.  That and the music blasting from the new speakers in the dining hall!

Overall, the event was filled with motivational speeches from Governors, Ministers and the President, great food and loving, highly disciplined learners. And the day was beautiful.  Best of all, the day is over!

Now on to exams!

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