Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunshine and Yoga

After hours of exams in the morning, and hours of study in the afternoon, I gave an open invitation to all of the learners to join me for yoga over in the sports complex.  Walking out to the brick area by the basketball courts, the sun was shining warmly.  Water bottle in hand, and learners in tow, I stretched out, ready to lead them in yoga.

20 learners joined me, and we moved through the vinyasa, sun salutations and a warrior flow. Then we came to child's pose, and as I was introducing it, I suggested that they pretend someone was sitting on their back, pushing down, as they stretched their hands out as far as they would go. Opposing forces to stretch your back.  Well, the girls decided that pretending was too much.  Why pretend, when you have a good friend ready and willing to sit on you.  So they partnered up and helped each other achieve a deeper stretch, then resumed trying to get that feeling on their own. 

The learners all took it super seriously, but not too seriously.  They were there to stretch and free their minds from the classroom, under the open sky, saluting the sun before it sank behind the trees.  We worked hard for more than 30 minutes of solid yoga.

Tomorrow will be a core-focused day. Boats, twists and backbends galore.

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