Sunday, June 16, 2013

09-06-2013 Namibian Roommate

This term, for logistical reasons, I have moved downstairs to share an apartment with our superintendent of the hostels, and Wendy is now living with one of the other English teachers upstairs.  I have enjoyed many delicious meals of porridge, various relishes and river fish and lots of Namibian TV.  Our TV is always on (often loudly—I’ve discovered the glory of earplugs), so I’m constantly exposed to the entertainment of the day.  Often, this is pop music videos from the US and around the world (Robin Thicke, I want to gouge your eyes out with a spoon every morning Other times, it is the SA Prayerline broadcasts of Christian Rock/Gospel/preaching.  Today, it has been a combination of three great things: WWE, Big Brother Africa, and Nat Geo “Caught in the Act.” 

The first is taken very seriously here.  As this was my first time watching it, I was impressed by the production value and acting.  I now believe WWE to be a social commentary on the world’s obsession with the glamorous, strong and watching people in times of physical and emotional turmoil.  My eyes are opened to the illusion that athletics gives to the world, thanks to WWE.  I think the producers and everyone involved have made such a poignant argument against the fabricated showmanship of the state of today’s athletics.  Thank you, WWE.

Second one: Big Brother Africa.  There are two channels dedicated to a 24/7 feed into two big brother houses, and on Sundays, they have their highlights and elimination episodes.  But seriously, just imagine a 24/7 feed into the Jersey Shore house.  Mostly, it’s just them sitting around doing nothing.  And then crying when someone is eliminated.  I fail to understand this one.

Third: Caught in the Act—ridiculously funny or graphic footage of animals in the wild caught on tape.  Baboons attacking people for food, hyenas fighting with lions, lions fighting with honey badgers, baboons attacking cheetahs, cheetahs attacking hyenas.  I don’t have to say anything else—this show is CRAZY GOOD!!!

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